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Updated: Apr 14

Back with more crystals! This is my final post in my Base Chakra series.

If you haven't read the last two posts, Base (Muladhara) Chakra - Our Foundation Chakra & Base Chakra - How to balance & connect, will give wonderful insight into this chakra & how to bring it into alignment.

Crystal energy works to stabilise & balance our often unstable energy. There are many crystals that work well to assist in all aspects of chakra healing, so they have their own post! I've included a comprehensive list of the Base Chakra crystals, covering many aspects, plus my Top 4 Base chakra crystals, that I often use on clients during The Radiant Mystic healing sessions.

In my last crystal post, I said - 'when it comes to working with crystals for your Base, or any chakra, it really depends on your intention.'

How do you want to your crystal to assist?

What aspect of your Base chakra energy are you focusing on?

What do you want to achieve with your crystal ally?

  • Looking for assistance with Depression? - eg. Unakite or Amber

  • Want to release Anxiety? - eg. Stromatolite or Botswana Agate

  • Working on feeling secure & safe? - eg. Red Jasper or Agate

  • Lack of energy or vitality? - eg. Zebra Jasper or Bloodstone.

  • Releasing anger? - eg. Black Tourmaline or Aragonite

  • Releasing fear? - eg. Septarian or Smokey Quartz

  • Feeling restless? - eg. Hematite or Green Aventurine

  • Feeling ungrounded? Unbalanced? - eg. Banded Agate or Black Tourmaline.

  • Working through issues with money? - eg. Emerald or Grossular/Green Garnet.

  • Inability to let go of the past? - eg. Rhodonite or Chrysocolla

  • Needing strength? eg. Red Jasper or Tiger Iron

  • Protection from negative energy? eg. Shungite or Smokey Quartz

Try placing them on or near your Base Chakra during healing or meditation, or wearing them if you are working on a specific chakra. There are many more crystals that can be used to assist with the Base chakra out there, you are not restricted to these. Do your research and find the right ones for you.


These 4 crystals are the ones that are most frequently used on clients in my Crystal Healing or Chakra Balancing sessions.


I love the energy of all Calcites, but it's my new addition to the healing collection that is getting alot of use in sessions at the moment.

Red Calcite helps to center & ground. It aids in reducing stress & anxiety and increasing inner strength & vitality. It can assist when healing is needed around sexuality, and also when struggling with opening the heart to give & receive love, especially when fear or trauma are involved.


A combination of Tigers Eye, Hematite & Red Jasper. This powerful stone grounding stone assists in self-healing, personal strength and mental clarity. It offers endurance, courage & awakens the inner

warrior! This is an amazing stone to work with if you feeling exhausted or burnt out, particularly if you are empathic. I often find I'm guided to use this stone on women with iron deficiency linked to menstrual issues. Tiger Iron may also enhance confidence & creativity.

3. SMOKEY QUARTZ - Smokey Quartz is AWESOME for clearing negative energy, on all levels! It grounds your energy while raising your vibration. It has a very protective energy & connects you to earth energy & nature. It is a wonderful stone for shifting old patterns & ways of thinking, assisting in transformation. As with Amethyst, Smokey Quartz is nature's stress reliever.


This beautiful stone has such a beautiful gentle energy! Very helpful for when balance & stability are needed. Very grounding & connected to earth. Wonderful for calming scattered energy & soothing when we find ourselves in survival mode. This version with its reds & yellows, offers courage, determination & success.


Black Tourmaline

Red Jasper


Fire Quartz

Mookaite Jasper




Red Tigers Eye






Red Aventurine




Black Kyanite

The colour frequency for the Base Chakra is reds, browns, & black, and as you can see from the earlier suggestions, you are not restricted to this. If you are working on something that requires another colour frequency or a combination, then go for it! Trust your intuition. As I said in my Earth Star crystal post - 'Crystal 'meanings' aren't law, it may say it's suited to a different chakra but it doesn't mean it won't work on others' - Always come back to your inner knowing, trust that you will innately feel when a crystal resonates with you, or not.

Hope you're enjoying the first days of Spring! Blessings, Terésa xx

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