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BASE CHAKRA - How to balance and connect

Updated: Apr 14

Following my last post - Base (Muladhara) Chakra - Our Foundation Chakra - here's my post about connecting & balancing our Root/Base chakra when it's out of alignment.

Similar to the Earth Star chakra, a balanced Base chakra will have us feeling-

  • grounded,

  • organised,

  • motivated,

  • secure,

  • stable,

  • trusting.

We will have the ability to meet our ‘survival’ needs and function from day to day, feel connected to earth, nature and feel a sense of belonging & connection to community & family. You will feel balanced in mind & body, strong & vital and be able to manifest your goals & bring prosperity.

If it’s not feeling aligned, these are fantastic ways to CONNECT TO & BALANCE your Base Chakra -

  • NATURE - Grounding & spending time out in nature is a no-brainer and I think I covered its importance in my last few posts! Start reading them HERE, if you missed them! Your Base is assisted by your Earth Star chakra, they work together to keep you grounded...they both need connection to Gaia, Mother Earth, our greatest healer. Plant a garden, take a walk in a forest, or sit under a tree.

  • MEDITATION/VISUALISATION- there are many guided meditations on YouTube or Insight Timer app to assist in clearing and balancing your Base. Visualising vibrant red light, shifting & clearing the energy at the base of your spine may help. Click here to go to the visualisation I use with clients, it works to energetically align the Base & Earth Star chakras.

Affirmations or Mantras can help too. Particularly, 'I AM' affirmations.

- I Am Grounded

- I Am Safe

- I Am Balanced

- I Am Abundant

- I Am Loved

- I Belong

  • GET MOVING - Move your body! Especially your lower body. Listen to what your body needs...slow, fast, a little or alot. Dance, run, walk, do Tai Chi or Yoga (particularly grounding poses like Mountain pose or where your tailbone sits on the ground.) Better yet, do it outside in nature! Double whammy!!

  • COMMUNITY - Get out into, & get involved in, your local community. Join an organisation, volunteer, go to your local markets or gatherings, do a workshop or simply get to know your neighbours. The Base is all about our sense of belonging & connection. Get out and find your peeps!

  • HOLISTIC THERAPY - Massage, healing, acupuncture, naturopathy, aromatherapy, colour therapy...all these, and more, can help assist with gaining balance through your chakras. It's ok to reach out & seek support from others. Sometimes, practitioners can assist in a way you may not be able to achieve on your own, or direct you to the best type of therapy for you & your needs.

  • COUNSELLING - Examining early family life & examining childhood experiences, looking into family relationships and reclaiming your power are all things that, when discussed with a professional, can help bring balance and alignment to your Base chakra &, of course, healing to your life.

  • CRYSTALS! - Once again, crystals will get their own post! Stay tuned for my Top Picks for your Base Chakra & a comprehensive list of awesome crystals that assist our earthy Root chakra and what aspects they can help with.

And, of course, don't forget other energetic Correspondences! These are items with a frequency that resonates with this chakra - Colour, Essential Oils, Herbs, & Foods can all assist in bringing our energy into balance. Earthy energy & red colours will usually resonate with this chakra. Find what works with your energy!

Until next time, have a wonderful day! Blessings, Terésa xx

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