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Updated: Apr 10

This is the final post in my Earth Star chakra series and naturally, I'm giving CRYSTALS their chance to shine!

If you haven't read the last two, they are Earth Star Chakra - What it is & Why you should know and Earth Star Chakra - Ways to Connect & Balance . They will give you wonderful insight into this chakra, its energy & how to connect with it.

The Earth Star chakra connects us to the nature & devic realms, & deeply anchors us to the Earth, amongst other things - so naturally, crystals are perfect for aiding us with this. There are many crystals that work well to assist in working with all aspects of this chakra so this post is entirely about them, and will include my top 3 picks, as well as a nice long list of crystal suggestions!

When it comes to working with crystals for your Earth Star, or any chakra, it really depends on your intention. How do you want to your crystal to assist? What aspect of your Earth Star energy are you focusing on? What do you want to achieve with your crystal ally?

  • Healing your connection with humanity? - eg. Dragons Blood Jasper or Atlantisite

  • Deepening your connection with Mother Earth? - eg. Chrysocolla, Septarian, or Aragonite

  • Connecting with Ancestors? - eg. Petrified Wood, Mahogany Obsidian, Mookaite Jasper or Turitella Agate

  • Past Life work? - eg. Chiastolite or Stromatolite

  • Grounding? Anchoring? - eg. Bronzite, Prophecy Stone, Hematite or Staurolite

  • Balancing or aligning the chakra system? - eg. Healer's Gold, Tourmalinated Quartz, or

  • Connecting with Nature realms? - eg. Moss Agate, Serpentine, or Preseli Bluestone.

  • Clearing the etheric body? - eg. Shungite, Bloodstone or Smokey Quartz.

  • Strengthening the connection between Base & Earth Star chakra? - eg. Red Jasper or Garnet.

  • Invigorate the physical body, restore vitality? - eg. Tiger Iron, Red Calcite or Cuprite.

Obviously, you are not restricted to these suggestions. There are MANY others to choose from and some of these suggestions cross over to other areas. Do your research, use your intuition, and find one that resonates with you.


These 3 crystals are the ones I am often guided to use in my Crystal Healing & Chakra Balance sessions. Other crystals may be used for different purposes, but these definitely pop up more often for the Earth Star.


Black Tourmaline works as a protective shield, particularly for the etheric body, where the Earth Star is located. Works by receiving the negative energy & transmuting it. It helps clear destructive & self-defeating thoughts & feelings, which leads to a reduction of anxiety and invokes feelings of peace. Purifies & increases physical vitality. This stone is known as an aid to earthing, or grounding, as it is very strongly connected to the Base & Earth Star Chakras, however, it can help to balance & open all chakras. It helps bring focused awareness to the present. Black Tourmaline is packed with positive aids in many aspects of health, happiness, and positivity. Fantastic to keep on your bedside table, I certainly do! Keep it by your front door, place near your electronics for protection against EMF’s or to meditate with.

A fantastic protective stone for empaths, given its ability to protect and shield from unwanted energies.


I love Black Kyanite! I have many crystal faves and this one is high up the list. It offers the ultimate protection from negativity of any kind as it repairs the body & energy bodies on all levels while keeping us grounded! KAPOW! It’s a powerful transmitter, amplifying high frequency energy, while grounding us in the physical. Aligns all chakras, removing energy blockages & resistance. Wonderful for use in cord cutting. It brings understanding of past lives & karmic cycles for healing & enhances communication with the spirit world. This is a great one for healers to wear while working on clients, I keep one in my pocket during sessions.


Not as well known as the other two, Galena is another favourite of mine. Galena literally means ‘lead ore’ in Greek and is an amazing anchoring mineral for spiritual journeying. Known as a stone of transformation, it is a great one to use when needing to get to the source of issues, opening the mind & illuminating what needs healing. Galena opens flow between the physical & etheric bodies, allowing alignment of all energies. It can be detoxifying, assisting in clearing circulation of all kinds in the bodies. It is a powerful grounding stone, connecting us deeply to Mother Earth, bringing stability & centring. When I’m guided to place Galena between my clients feet, I known we’re going deep!!



Black Obsidian

Apache Tears

Kambaba Jasper

Shaman Stones


Agate Geodes

Fire Agate




Prophecy Stone

Peacock Ore



Crystals utilising the Merkaba or Metatron's Cube sacred geometry.

You may notice that black, brown & earthy reds & greens are well represented!

If you resonate with colour frequency, and find your Earth Star is on the brighter side, eg. aqua or magenta, then I suggest researching grounding stones in that colour spectrum, eg. Turquoise, Rhodonite or Pink Opal.

Crystal ‘meanings’ aren’t law, it may say it’s suited to a different chakra but it doesn’t mean it won’t work on others. Some of my suggestions may not be overly conventional, but each one assists in one, or more, aspects of working with your Earth Star.

Use your intuition. I’ll always bring you back to trusting your inner knowing!

If you feel it’s right for your intentions, try it…if it’s not working, try a different one!

Be a rebel!

Mix it up!

Hope you're enjoying this beautiful Winter sunshine! xx Terésa

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