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EARTH STAR CHAKRA - Ways to connect & balance

Updated: Apr 10

Following from my last post, we are now looking at ways to connect & balance our Earth Star Chakra. I've also included simple ideas you can try at home.



This is the easiest way to connect with this chakra. Direct contact with the earth, with the intention of connecting with your earth star chakra is ideal. This can be dirt, rock, or water. The beach can be an amazing place to practice earthing, particularly with the added benefits of magnesium & salt water. Earthing allows us to receive electrons from the earth. The health benefits are amazing - improved sleep, mood & energy levels to name a few.

Try meditating outside, or simply walking, barefoot preferably, in nature, thinking about your earth star chakra and your connection with it. You may feel immediate results, or it may take days. It really needs to be a regular practice, as our energy is so easily influenced by things around us, as well as our internal shifts.

If you are feeling particularly fatigued or disconnected, a good ol' heel stomp is a wonderful grounding technique, as it creates a solid connection to the earth and sends that ‘wake up’ energy up through the body. Obviously, take it easy, or avoid this, if you have any injuries or ailments in the legs, feet or lower back!


These are also fantastic ways to tune in to, & connect with, your chakras. It's what I use with my clients in my Chakra Balancing sessions . It's great for tuning in and seeing what colour your Earth Star is. As mentioned in my previous post, there is a mixed bag of opinions on this - from black, brown, olive, red-brown, earthy metallics, aqua or even magenta - so perhaps, this is a good meditation to start off with. There are many guided meditations on YouTube and the Insight Timer app that can assist with grounding and connection to, and activation of, your Earth Star but here is one I like to use with my clients...


- You may like to place crystals between or below your feet, & on your lower belly, if you are lying down.

- Close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Take some deep belly breaths, exhaling through your mouth.

- Bring your focus to your Base Chakra, at the base of your spine. You may wish to place your hands on your lower belly.

- Imagine the area filling with beautiful, vibrant red energy, or white light energy, cleansing & activating the chakra. Sometimes it helps to see this energy as a flower opening & blooming.

- Then see that energy flowing down your legs. You may see energy flowing, or it may look like tree roots, or you may just feel the tingling through your legs. Everyone will experience it differently and that's ok!

- See it flowing right down to your feet, through the soles, and picture it forming a triangle between your feet, coming to a point roughly 15 -30cm below your feet at your Earth Star chakra.

- Ask what colour is your Earth Star? Trust what comes.

- Ask if this is the true & aligned colour of your Earth Star? Trust your intuition to know whether this is the correct colour, or whether you need to spend more time allowing cleansing & activating to clear the negative energy, or to 'wake it up'.

- Allow yourself some time to tune in to the energy below your feet. You may receive messages regarding healing, ancestors or Guides may make themselves known, particularly Animal Guides or Elementals, when working with this chakra.

- You may like to take the visualisation further and send the energy down through the earth, to the core of the Earth, grounding & anchoring yourself even further. Draw that crystalline core energy back up through the soles of your feet, through your body & up to your Heart centre.

- Bring awareness back to your breath & your body. Open your eyes. Enjoy feeling grounded & connected to Mother Earth!


When I talk about correspondences, I mean the items with a frequency that resonates with that chakra - eg. Colour, Crystals, Herbs, Oils, etc. There are so many that could be mentioned but I'll just cover a few of my favourites...

COLOUR - Candles, clothing, accessories, make up, however you choose to adorn yourself or

your space! Colour is light frequency and can have a deep impact on our energy. Deep earthy, grounding colours resonate with your Earth Star. Or go one step further and match the unique colour of yours - magenta, turquoise, metallic, etc.

BOTANICALS & OILS - All things in nature have a life force. It's no wonder herbs, plants, flowers & trees have used for their healing benefits for centuries. Try burning as a loose incense, in a bath, use as an oil perfume, in an oil burner, add fresh herbs to a meal, or purchase a tea - there are so many ways to utilise plant energy & benefits!

My favourite grounding oils are Vetiver, Cedarwood, Patchouli, & Frankincense. I use them on candles & in my oil burner, and my spicy Grounding oil roller is amazing! My oil rollers can be purchased at these markets.

Frankincense or Myrrh resins make wonderful grounding incense and, if I need grounding herbs, I would turn to Sage, Burdock Root, Licorice Root, Cedar, Vervain or, if you can, ask Father Oak tree for a token, to carry his strength & protection with you.

CRYSTALS - As if I wouldn't mention crystals! They are getting their own post! So stay tuned next week, for my Top 3 favourite Earth Star crystals, a list of other useful crystals & suggestions for working with them.

With Love & Blessings, Terésa xx

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