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EARTH STAR CHAKRA - What it is & why you should know

Updated: Apr 10

Healers work with energy. In whatever way, shape or form, healing modalities all work with our bodies energy systems. How each healer does this will differ, and often it will differ for each client as healers will work intuitively.

Reiki, Sekhem, Chakra Work, Angelic Healing, Seichem, Qi Gong, Shamanic Healing,

whatever the modality...Energy is energy...healers conduct the purest, clearest form of it from the same Source, with the client's highest healing & greatest good in focus, regardless of technique.

So, although I am qualified in Reiki & Sekhem Healing, I also utilise that energy in other ways...chakra work both physical body & beyond, past life healing, space clearing, and more...

Over the next few months, I want to share some knowledge about the 10 chakras, & their energy, that I work with during my crystal healing & distance healing sessions. And I hope this knowledge will assist you on your healing journey...

I will start with a chakra that, in this day and age, is severely neglected...our EARTH STAR chakra.

Your Earth Star is not a part of the physical body like the more well known 7 chakras. It is known as a transpersonal chakra. It is located approximately 15-30cm below your feet in your etheric body. Your etheric body is the first layer of your energy field, or aura. It anchors, or grounds, our entire chakra system, plus etheric body, connecting us to the Earth, and humanity. When in balance, it is strongly linked to our Base (Root) Chakra at the base of our spine, and creates an unshakeable stability & groundedness. They work together to remove negative energy from our body & restore our vitality.

There are differing thoughts on the colour of this energy centre, I have read black, brown and olive green are the Earth Star colour, but have also heard mention of turquoise or magenta. Mine is a beautiful metallic rosy copper after clearing & alignment, throwing that

theory out the window!

I have been guided in healing sessions to allow clients to 'see' their own Earth Star chakra, before & after clearing & aligning, and ask them to access their inner knowing, and feel whether the colour they see 'after' feels right, if it does, we move on with the session. It's important to me that client's begin to trust their intuition, and deepen their connection with their own energy. They have mentioned many different colours during this process, including black, magenta, tan, bronze, and even gold.

The energy from the minor chakras of your feet triangulates down to the Earth Star and it is this visualisation that I use in assisting to clear and activate this energy centre during a chakra balance session.

In my next post, I will be sharing a fantastic, super-quick, visualisation technique that you can do to connect to your Earth Star.

This chakra is the foundation that we must connect to and nurture if we are to experience a steady and balanced flow of energy to our higher chakras.

Our Earth Star is our connection to Mother Earth, Gaia, to our ancestors, the nature realms, devic realms and the collective consciousness of the planet. It is also believed to contain the memory of our soul's many journeys & stories, over lifetimes.

The lesson of the Earth Star is to experience deep healing & supportive connection with the planet, ancestors & collective humankind.

When this chakra is imbalanced, you may feel -

  • Ungrounded, scattered

  • Lack of foundation and support

  • Feeling overburdened, blocked,

  • Lack of flow in life or in body

  • Lack of purpose or direction, difficulty manifesting your goals & desires.

  • Disconnected from the Earth, humankind, & your ancestral lineage or generations of family

  • Loss of wonder at the magic of the Earth & the nature realms.

  • Energetically overwhelmed, empathic overload

Cleansing and activating your Earth Star offers you a solid foundation on your spiritual & healing path, so you can support yourself as you begin to open to, & allow, more light and powerful higher frequency energies to flow through your system. This chakra naturally grounds and assimilates any healing changes taking place. It offers a strong foundation for you to stand in your truth, shine your light bright & expand that out into the amazing is that??!

I feel like I’ve only scratched the surface of this awesome, yet often overlooked, chakra. I hope you’ve enjoyed learning about our ANCHOR chakra, the Earth Star, stay tuned for my next post EARTH STAR CHAKRA - Ways to connect & balance.

May your day involve beautiful moments in Nature! xx Terésa

Stay tuned on SOCIALS @theradiantmystic on Facebook or Instagram for updates on blog post, workshops, giveaways & more.

If you are interested in exploring your Chakras, through a healing session with The Radiant Mystic, click on the link ...

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