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Distance Healing

Energy is not bound by distance or time, and can be sent to anyone, anywhere, anytime...the recipient just needs to be open to receiving the energy and the information from spirit. Incorporating energy healing, crystals, pendulum work & oracle cards, these sessions help bring you back into alignment, working on what is blocking your flow.  

Your session will be via Google Meet (or you can contact me to discuss other options) and will be focused around your chakras, or the energy centres on your body. Terésa will tune in to each chakra and receive information on the state of their flow, and what's blocking it, guidance on areas that need improvement and messages from your Guides. She will then send crystal & healing energy to your energy centres and bodies via the assistance of crystal gridding, remote healing techniques & your Guides and Angels.

Distance Healing sessions, just like 1:1 sessions, have the ability to work on all levels - physical, emotional, mental & spiritual - assisting in releasing stress & blockages that prevent us from living our happiest, healthiest, fullest life. These sessions bring awareness, deepening your personal development & empowering you to take charge of your life.

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