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Crystals for Releasing Fear

Updated: Apr 14

Fear is a normal human reaction, an emotion or thought that arises in response to a real or perceived threat, pain or danger. Some are rational, some irrational, there are so many types of fear & phobias. There are also many different ways fear can show up in our behaviour & our bodies, physically & energetically.

I could easily do a crystal post on each one but today, my top 7 crystal picks are for RELEASING or ALLEVIATING the control of fear, CLEARING THE MIND and GROUNDING & CALMING anxious energy.

These are ones I would reach for and have helped me at different times. Crystals are allies that complement inner healing work. Don't rely on them to do the work for you!

If fear is a SERIOUS issue for you, and is impacting your life, please seek help from a professional practitioner. As always, use your intuition for what works for you and your situation.


1. AMETHYST - Calms the mind & alleviates overactive thinking. Assists in dispelling fear & anxiety. May bring deeper understanding of the source of the fear.

2. SODALITE - Encourages rational thought. Eases mental confusion & helps to release old patterns & rigid mindsets. Helps to release deepseated fears & phobias.

3. AZURITE - Powerful healing stone! I love Azurite. May help bring clear understanding & shifts in perspective. Clears stress & transmutes fears & phobias, bringing understanding of why they occurred in the first place. Be aware that Azurite is a powerful Third Eye crystal and can pack a punch if you are not ready for inner truths!

4. LABRADORITE - Another of my faves and one I use regularly. Banishes fears & insecurities. Calms an overactive mind, encouraging rational thought. Dispels illusion & facilitates deeper understanding of the heart of the matter.

5. SMOKEY QUARTZ - Relieves fear & can aid in bringing emotional calm. Smokey Quartz, as with Amethyst, is a great stress reliever. It’s very grounding & centring. It’s one I wear if I need to settle the negative internal chatter.

6. ORCHID CALCITE - This beautiful crystal encourages you to take back control of your life. It can be soothing for emotional stress or anxiety, reducing fear.

7. BRONZITE - Another fave of mine! One of THE BEST grounding stones. Assists in restoring harmony within when you are overwhelmed. Helps to remove negative thinking and brings strength. Paired with BLACK TOURMALINE, it is said to be a wonderful stabilising remedy during panic attacks. Both are wonderful grounding stones to assist with fear-based issues.

Different fears can stem from imbalances in different chakras - eg. fear of speaking up = Throat chakra, fear of death =Base chakra, etc. This may be a way for you to dig deeper and look at what's at the core of your fear. You may also find my series on the Base Chakra helpful.

Have a happy & fearless day! Terésa xx

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