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Here we come to the last post on the Heart Chakra! As mentioned in the other two posts - Heart Chakra - The Power of Love & Heart Chakra - How to Connect & Balance - our Heart Chakra connects us to love and compassion, amongst many other benefits in our life. It also connects us to the element of Air. Crystals are amazing energetic allies that can assist us with the many aspects of bringing our Heart centre into alignment.

This post will include my Top 5 Picks - these are crystals that feature alot in my Crystal Healing sessions - plus I will include a nice long list of other suggestions!

When it comes to working with crystals for Heart chakra, or anything really, it depends on intention. How do you want your crystal to assist? What aspect of healing, balancing, releasing are you working on?

Working on self love? - Try Rhodochrosite or Pink Opal

Want to increase positivity? - Try Epidote or Rose Quartz

Working on forgiveness? - Try Rhodonite or Morganite

Emotional expression? - Try Pink Amethyst or Unakite

Improve relationships? - Try Rhodonite or Green Calcite

Do your research, use your intuition, to find the right crystals for your purpose. Always trust your inner knowing & trust what resonates. Your energy knows!

MY TOP 5 Heart Chakra Crystals

  1. GREEN CALCITE - I love all Calcites! But Green Calcite has such a soothing energy, perfect for the Heart. I'm often guided to use it in my healing sessions. An amazing heart healer, Green Calcite alloows you to see things from a fresh perspective and to connect with the energy of trust. It soothes the nerves & assists in removing blockages or stagnant energy, dissolving old energy that no longer serves you.

2. MALACHITE - KaBoom! Malachite is a super strong healer! It is known as a stone of transformation. Assisting in revealing & healing emotional pain to bring awareness & insight for personal growth. It filters negative energy from the body, detoxifying, restoring balance. It activates the entire chakra system, opening you to receive Universal Love.

3. RHODONITE- Another amazing heart healer, Rhodonite helps balance emotions & heal past wounds. A stone of compassion, it offers support & loving energy, helping you embrace unconditional love. It also encourages you to bring out your hidden talents to share with the world, assisting with self-love, self-confidence.

4. ROSE QUARTZ- The ultimate Love stone! Rose Quartz shows us it's ok to open our hearts to love & trust. It dissolves old hurts & reawakens the heart to the abundance of love around & within you, to the giving & receiving of it - self love, family, platonic, romantic, unconditional....

5. EMERALD - Ancient healers used Emerald to promote heart wellness, and it is still used for the Heart today. A beautiful calming energy, Emerald encourages patience, compassion, & intuition. It offers unconditional love and asks you to live & act from the heart space. A wonderful stone to use when unity is needed and partnerships or friendships need to be brought into balance.


Clear Quartz

Desert Rose Selenite

Mangano Pink Calcite

Kambaba Jasper


Green Fluorite







Green Kyanite



Gaia Stone (Green Mt St Helen’s Obsidian)

Dragons Blood Jasper






Ruby Zoisite

Pink Opal


Green Aventurine


Moss Agate

Rainforest Rhyolite

It's obvious that Green & Pink have front & centre here as their colours resonate with the Heart & its healing aspects, however, it's not the only way to look at crystals & our chakras, as I've mentioned in previous Crystal posts.

Crystals 'meanings' aren't law, it may say it's suited to a different chakra but it doesn't mean it won't work on others. Sometimes thinking outside the box might work best. Come back to your intention! Use your intuition! Trust yourself!

Many blessings! xx Terésa

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