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HEART CHAKRA - The Power Of Love

'Our first & last love is self-love' - Unknown.

The 4th energy centre on our physical body, the Heart chakra, or Anahata, is the centre of the chakra system. It is located in the centre of the chest, near the physical heart. The element associated with this chakra is AIR.

Its colour is Green, according to Hindi yogic philosophy, although Pink is also often associated with it, and it's symbol is a circle surrounded by 12 lotus petals, with a Star of David, or an upwards pointing triangle overlapping a downwards pointing triangle. The Heart chakra, unsurprisingly, is our I LOVE chakra.

Research shows us that the electromagnetic field of the heart is greater than that of our rational thinking brain. Just as your heart keeps blood moving through your body, your Heart chakra keeps love moving through the channels of your life.

Our Heart Chakra governs -

  • Love, Self Love, Unconditional Love

  • Compassion

  • Connection

  • Generosity

  • Relationships

  • Gratitude

  • Patience

  • Positivity

  • Empathy

  • Forgiveness

  • Emotional expression

  • Giving & receiving love

As the quality of the Heart chakra is self-love, it is the chakra through which many of us have trouble expressing ourselves. Ideally, if we are expressing through the heart chakra & have a good relationship with self, then the possibility that the rest of our chakras are healthy & functioning well is increased. The heart is considered the seat of balance in body and is the bridge between the lower chakras and higher chakras, our spiritual centre.

One of the biggest problems around this energy centre is when we build armour around it to protect ourselves from being hurt & feeling vulnerable. A natural thing to do to protect ourselves but it creates less space for love to flow in.

An UNBALANCED Heart chakra shows up as-

  • A lack of self-love

  • An inability to accept love & affection

  • Not allowing yourself to be supported

  • Co-dependency

  • Possessiveness, jealousy

  • Unable to participate in intimate relationships

  • Feeling negative towards self & others, hate

  • Feeling resentful & bitter, intolerant & critical

  • Letting emotional ‘scars’ influence a current relationship

  • Feeling unable to let go of past ‘wrongs’ by others

  • Needing validation for fulfillment

  • Unresolved grief, depression

  • Being anti-social, overly shy or sensitive

  • Letting another person’s emotions control your choices

  • Not forgiving yourself.

The Heart chakra is connected to the heart, lungs, lymphatic system & upper back and arms, so issues may show up in the physical here.

My next post will bring practical suggestions on balancing our Heart chakra...but before I go, did you know that our planet has her own Chakras? Energy centres around the world that resonate the energy of our own chakras. The Earth's Heart Chakra spreads across Stonehenge, Glastonbury & Shaftesbury, England!

One of the most intriguing structures in the UK, Stonehenge & the whole area of Glastonbury has been shrouded in mystery for centuries, the stories of King Arthur, the stories of the Holy Grail. Being drawn here isn't unusual. It has special energy, gentle energy. A powerful gathering place for the Druids, and when THEY know, they KNOW! You know?

Until next time, Blessings! xx Terésa

Follow on Socials! @theradiantmystic

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