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Psychics & Mediums - 10 Things to Keep in Mind for your Reading!

Who's had a psychic reading?! Or thought about getting one?

You may have experienced a little nervousness or apprehension, you may have heard things from others that planted a seed of doubt or been given advice on what to do or not to do... hopefully, we're about to put your mind at ease!

I have collaborated with the gorgeous Sally Atterbury, or Spirit Medium Sally, to bring you this post (plus a future one!). Find her website & socials at the end of our post!

Hailing from beautiful country Victoria, Sally is a spirit medium, connecting her clients with their loved ones in spirit, bringing healing & evidence that death is but a transition.

A familiar face at festivals such as Seven Sisters Festival & Bohemian Summer Festival, both held in Victoria, Australia, as well as running her business from her beautiful yurt at home, Sally has an amazing ability to combine spirit connection & psychic connection to bring healing & messages from across the veil.

We met while undergoing a mentorship with spirit medium, Lindie Gunston. Together, we have experienced both sides of the table, as readers & sitters, and we

have learnt a lot over the years, through good, & not so good, experiences.

We have put some dot points together to help bring some awareness & perhaps help someone be a more confident client, setting you up, from the very beginning, for a fantastic reading experience. Here is a comprehensive list of things to keep in mind when getting a psychic or mediumship reading!



Be sure to check in with yourself before booking

  • Why do you want a reading?

  • Are you open to hearing whatever may come through?

  • Are you open to receiving messages & guidance?

  • Will you be ok hearing from, or not hearing from, someone in a mediumship reading?

  • Do you have any fears or blocks around readings?

  • Do I have questions I want answers to?

  • Do I want guidance in a specific area of my life?

Our state of mind leading up to the reading, and our reasons for getting one, can influence the success of your reading. If you are not open to receiving whatever comes through, and are trying to control the outcome too much, you may be disappointed! Readings can be very healing, bringing awareness to what needs to be healed, or released, or what's blocking you...if you are wanting rainbows, without acknowledging the rainclouds, or want to look at the external while avoiding having to look at the internal, then you may need to hold off until you are ready. Most readers these days won't be reading at a surface level, they may go deep!


When choosing your psychic for a reading, use your intuition!

If you don’t feel comfortable with them, don’t sit with them.

If you don’t like their style of divination or the tools they use, don’t sit with them.

Just like anyone else we meet, we may not gel with them!

Every psychic is different - if we factor in personality, communication, spiritual experience, training etc, etc, every psychic is going to have a different approach.

Sitting with a psychic you aren’t resonating with, will affect your reading. Psychic readings rely on energetic connection - you, the reader & spirit (particularly in the case of Mediums), if you shrink yours back or put up walls because something doesn’t feel right,  or you are uncomfortable, your psychic will find it difficult to connect & your reading will fall short. A good psychic will most likely pick up on it and either try something different or suggest you try a different psychic. And sometimes, we realise hindsight is a wonderful thing and we wish we had! lol


  • If you are set on being sceptical, or have a restricted view on what a reading should be, don’t get one! Again, this comes back to energy. If you’re closed off, then it makes for a difficult reading.

  • Readings can be very healing, comforting experiences. They bring validation & can make you feel seen. So be aware they can be emotional, and that’s ok, it’s part of the healing & spiritual process.

  • In the case of mediumship, be aware that some messages may not be for you. They may be for other members of the family, or a close friend. You may need to ask around those close to you.

  • Also, mediums may not always bring through Grandma or your Uncle John. You may have your friend’s mum or your grade 5 art teacher come through with special messages. Think outside the box!

  • Try not to shut down anything that doesn’t make sense straight away. It may take a week, a month, a year, before you have the ‘AHA!’ moment.

  • Try not to be disappointed that you didn't get what you came for, sometimes spirit gives you what you NEED, not what you WANT.


Before your reading, try to take time to ground yourself, have a cuppa and allow yourself a moment of quiet.

In the case of mediumship readings, this quiet time is the perfect opportunity to think about who you want to hear from & ask them to step forward in the reading.

Have questions ready, particularly for psychics.

If the reading is online, make sure you have a quiet place to set up , with no distractions from family, kids or phones.


Have everything you may need with you -

  • Water

  • Questions for your psychic, if needed

  • Phone for voice recording or taking a photo of your reading

  • Readings can take a while to process, it’s a lot a information in a short period of time. If you want to take notes, we recommend voice recording over note taking. Ask your psychic medium if you can record on your phone. If online, ask if it can be recorded through the platform used (Zoom, Google Meet, etc)

  • After several experiences of clients writing notes through their reading, we can tell you it is very distracting and we find the client struggles to be present in the moment & really take in what’s being said. Take notes afterwards, or, If you have a friend with you, like at a market or psychic expo, maybe they can take notes for you.

  • Most readers will have tissues handy, but take some in your handbag, just in case!


  • It may make sense later

  • It may be a message for you to pass on to someone close to you or, in the case of mediumship, someone connected to both you & the spirit who is stepping forward.

  • Psychics & Mediums filter messages from spirit through the lens of our own experiences, if it’s a NO, we will try & refocus that lens & bring through the message a different way. If it’s a hard no and you are absolutely sure, we will move on to the next thing. A 'No' doesn’t mean it’s a bad reading or they're a bad psychic/medium…we are human & sometimes we may not be firing on all cylinders.

7. IF IT’S A ‘HIT’ or a 'YES'

We love hearing your OMG's!! The 'how did you know that!'s... but, sometimes it’s easier for the reader to maintain the flow & connection, especially in the case of Mediums, if you keep your answers short - Yes, No or Unsure.

Save your excitement, feedback and stories until the end, if there’s time.

It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and want to share your realisations, stories & feedback but for a strong connection to be maintained, focus is needed, and we want you to get the most from your time with us.


It is a really outdated belief that you can’t ask questions of your reader. It guides the reading. If you don’t ask, your reader will give whatever comes through and it may have nothing to do with what you had in mind!

If you don't ask, Spirit gives what you need, not what you want! Have some written down before you come, keep them clear, relevant & to a minimum.

Be sure to ask at the beginning, not at the end. More often than not, your reader won’t have time to add extra to your reading.


When you go to a doctor, you respect the timeframe.

When you go to a hairdresser, you respect the timeframe.

Please show practitioners in the holistic & spiritual industries the same respect. It takes a great deal of energy & focus to do our work, we have put a lot of time, development, and often self-reflection & healing, into what we do, and even though we may work from home, or have a less structured working day than some, doesn’t mean we have the time or energy to turn an hour session into 2 hours, for example, without being paid for our time.

If your time runs out and you still want to share feedback, send an email afterwards to let us know.

We are also not ‘on’ at all hours of the day so if you see us at random times, out and about, know that we may not ‘pick up’ what you want us to. This also includes after-hours messages asking about spiritual guidance, spirit experiences, etc. Please be mindful of business hours. We have homes, families and need to switch off too.

Like any service, money is our energy exchange, sometimes we may also barter, but please do not expect something for nothing.


  • Remember to look after your energy after a reading too! Whether or not you are aware of it, your energy is working too. Readings are often emotional and healing.

  • Be sure to give thanks for the information, guidance & connections made.

  • Drink lots of water & ground your energy outside

  • Take time to process everything. It may take a few days or even weeks for everything to filter in properly.

Sally & I hope this clears up a few things and gives you more confidence as a client.

We look forward to bringing you another blog post soon - we will be busting a few myths around psychics and mediums!

Many blessings! xx Terésa and Sally

Follow @theradiantmystic on Facebook & Instagram

Follow @spirit.medium.sally Facebook & Instagram

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Love these blogs greatly appreciated 👏 💐

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Wonderful! So glad you are getting a lot out of them! Xx Terésa

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