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Psychics & Mediums - Myths Busted!

We have all heard them! The old, outdated beliefs around psychics or mediums…

  • ‘don’t tell them anything, they should know!’

  • 'stay out of my head! I don't want you reading my thoughts!'

  • ‘they do background checks on socials’

  • ‘omg! That freaks me out! Do you have spirits showing up all the time?’

  • ‘I don’t want my cards read, I don’t want to know what will happen in the future, what if it’s terrible?’

And so on...

There are so many beliefs around what psychics & mediums do, and I’m sure not all of them are covered in this post! But we’ll give it a red hot go!

Following our last post - Psychics & Mediums - 10 things to keep in mind for your readings - I have once again collaborated with the gorgeous Sally Atterbury, or Spirit Medium Sally. Find her website & socials at the end of our post!

Hailing from beautiful country Victoria, Sally is a spirit medium, connecting her clients with their loved ones in spirit, bringing healing & evidence that death is but a transition.

A familiar face at festivals such as Seven Sisters Festival & Bohemian Summer Festival, both held in Victoria, Australia, as well as running her business from her beautiful yurt at home, Sally has an amazing ability to combine spirit connection & psychic connection to bring healing & messages from across the veil.

We met while undergoing a mentorship with spirit medium, Lindie Gunston. Together, we have experienced both sides of the table, as readers & sitters, and wanted to break through the BS and bust some myths!


Psychics and Mediums are humans, having the same human experience as everyone else. We swear, we experience emotion, we don’t always have our shit together, we have our barriers etc, just like everyone. We aren’t ‘chosen’ to do this, we HAVE chosen to do this.

We personally think we are super special! Lol…but not in the way most would think…

EVERYONE can do this! However, most don’t utilise it or want to utilise it.

As children, we are open, we don’t have the same barriers to the spiritual world as we do as adults. But then we are told we are imagining things, we’re only dreaming, don’t be silly, there’s no such thing…

Psychic & Mediums have worked at opening their extra senses back up, dedicated time & energy to expanding their awareness, and their communication with the spirit world.


‘If I can’t see it, it can’t be real’…It’s 2024! If you aren’t open to, or willing to open to, the mysteries of this universe by now, I truly feel for you! Our world is full of mystery, the unseen, the unexplainable…if we knew everything, could logic everything away, how boring would our lives be?

There's many, many things in this world & beyond that we can't see but science has proven it's there! Science has also proven that humans don’t utilise the full capacity of their brain. There have been studies on the brains of Mediums & Psychics, both ‘at work’ & at normal function, and it shows unusual brain activity during their connection with spirit. There are many videos on YouTube of this, as well as on the brain during meditation, obviously some better than others! I recommend the videos on the tests done on psychic medium Laura Lynne Jackson. If you need something visual, proof that something unique is happening, that could be a good start.


We touched on this in our last post, but felt it belongs here too. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and if you need specific guidance, say so!

Gone are the days of ‘they should know!’ If you want specifics, you need to communicate with your reader, otherwise, there is the potential for spirit to give you what you need, rather than what you want…although, there is that possibility anyway! Lol.

Keep in mind though - long explanations or stories take up your reading time & aren’t necessary - less is best! Keep to short responses too, Yes, No or Unsure. Keep your feedback until the end, if there’s time.

We recommend asking your psychics questions about themselves & their service BEFORE you book too! Ask about their reading style, their costs, where they are located, etc. Have open communication with them from the start.


Nope! It would be exhausting!

It is Psychic 101 to learn how to switch on & off. At times, our ‘time off’ may be interrupted by a download, or a spirit, or messages in our dreams, but on the whole, it is important to stick to business hours with spirit or it could be draining.

As mentioned in our last psychic post, the amount of time & energy it takes to develop and do what we do requires an exchange of energy, usually monetary. If we see you at a party, or at the shops, please don’t ask us to ‘tune in’ about something, it is unfair to expect free readings. Having said that, if something comes through for you, outside of a reading session, an ethical reader will ask your permission to pass that information on to you…and not bombard you in the street, like one famous medium I can think of!


In honesty, there may well be scammers out there that do this. Like any industry, we have those who like to ruin it for the rest of us!

However, genuine psychics & mediums DON’T NEED to read body language, check you out on socials etc, NOR do they have the time! Most of us have homes & families to look after, and other jobs we work outside of our psychic work.

Genuine psychics & mediums will be able to channel information that can’t be found via those sources.


This comes down to human preferences. An in-person reading isn’t necessarily going to be stronger than online. It can be, because your energy is directly in front of us, however, a psychic/medium connection won’t necessarily be weaker if you’re not. We connect with energy, and energy has no boundaries! It is your openness & willingness that counts. Your permission to connect with your Higher Self, your Guides or your loved ones in spirit is a must-have, an honour that we don’t take lightly. A great reader will give their 100% best or will let you know when they can’t & reschedule.


Ahh! That scary word! Prediction!

These days we understand energy better, and we understand that psychics are tuning in to your energy in the here & now, within & without, some may tune in on multi-dimensions, some via the Akashics, but we also understand that the future is fluid, it can be changed by you, in the blink of an eye. We are also in a time where we understand that trauma, mental health & vulnerability can blur the lens of our awareness and predictions can end up causing more harm than good if in this state. Psychic readings are wonderful for guidance & direction, they show us where we may need healing or to reassess something, they confirm things for us or may show us what we’re missing, they may shift our perspective on something…but they are not set in concrete! Although we need to learn to trust in divine timing and the flow, essentially, you have the power to change your path, or to stay where you are. There are future POTENTIALS for you to take into consideration but in the end, it’s up to you.


I am well aware of telepathy, remote viewing etc....However, when I've been confronted with this statement, it's from a viewpoint that I have nothing better to do than sift through your mind! Think about your thought processes and how constant & random it can be!

Without going into the 'in's & out's' of psychic senses and how they work, NO!, we don't and why would we want to?

If your energy gives away certain things that have been on your mind, we will bring it up in a reading, it's just that! It's in your energy and we pick up on it to bring it to your awareness for whatever reason spirit deems necessary! Rest easy ;0)

I'm sure there are many others...and who knows? Maybe Sally & I will join forces again to bring you more?! We hope this brings more awareness around psychics & mediums and brings greater confidence in choosing the right one for you.

Much love & Blessings, Terésa & Sally

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Follow @spirit.medium.sally Facebook & Instagram

For a Psychic Reading with Terésa, click below -

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