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Updated: Apr 14

As mentioned in my other posts on this chakra - Sacral Chakra - Our Centre of Flow & Sacral Chakra - Ways to Connect & Balance - our Sacral connects us to the element of Water & our emotions,   amongst other things, so naturally, crystals are perfect for aiding us with this.

There are many crystals that work well to assist in working with all aspects of this chakra so this post is entirely about them, and it will include my top 3 picks, as well as a nice long list of suggestions!

When it comes to working with crystals for your Sacral, or any chakra, it really depends on your intention. How do you want to your crystal to assist? What aspect of your Sacral energy are you focusing on?

Healing your connection with sex? EG. Crocoite or Sunstone

Connecting with your creativity? EG. Fire Agate or Orange Aventurine

Self Esteem/Self confidence work? - EG. Sunstone or Orange Carnelian

Expressing emotions? EG. Orange Selenite

Healing relationship issues? - (there are many, dependant on the issue) - A good all-rounder is Unakite though.

Opening to abundance? Manifesting? EG. Citrine or Goldstone

Needing nurturing? EG. Tangerine Quartz or Stilbite

Wanting to go with the flow? EG. Peach Moonstone or Aragonite

Do your research, use your intuition, and find one that resonates with you. Always trust your inner knowing & trust what resonates. Your energy knows!!

MY TOP 3 Sacral Chakra Crystals

These 3 crystals are the ones I am often guided to use in my Crystal Healing & Chakra Balance sessions. Other crystals may be used for different purposes (I know many will be looking for Carnelian here! lol) but these definitely pop up more often for the Sacral.


I love the energy of this crystal! Orchid Calcite is refreshing for mind, body & spirit. It's very soothing and helps reduce stress & fear, eases anxiety, and is wonderful for grounding & centering. It encourages us to move forward, raising our confidence & courage. It is a positive, uplifting energy that helps unlock our motivation.


Holds the same benefits as white Selenite but with the addition of that beautiful orange/peach light frequency! Cleansing & tranquil, Orange Selenite is wonderful for assisting with emotional balance, unblocking stagnant energy & releasing negative energy. It offers strength & confidence and boosts creativity. It's a great stone to assist with times of growth & transition.


Rightly named after the Sun, with it's strong Solar energy, this stone is wonderful for self-empowerment! Sunstone is beautiful warm energy that gives you a boost when needed & offers strength & confidence. An uplifting stone, it brings joy & optimism, creativity & passion. Said to be a great assistance in manifestation work & cord cutting.

NOTE - This pendant is hand made by me & will be available in my shop soon, when I get it up & running! If it calls to you now, contact me via my website.



Mookaite Jasper

Moonstone or Peach Moonstone

Brecciated Jasper

Tigers Eye



Desert Rose Selenite

Orange  Kyanite


Fire Opal


Orange Aventurine,


Orange Calcite,

Shiva Lingham


Clear Quartz

Peach Amazonite


Tangerine Quartz

Calligraphy/Elephant Jasper,

Smokey Quartz.


Of course, orange is well represented here! Orange is the colour frequency that resonates with this chakra, however, it's not the only way to look at crystals & our chakras, as I've mentioned in my previous chakra crystal posts for Base Chakra & Earth Star.

Crystal ‘meanings’ aren’t law, it may say it’s suited to a different chakra but it doesn’t mean it won’t work on others, again, I come back to intention. Some of my suggestions may not be overly conventional, but each one assists in one, or more, aspects of working with your Sacral. Use your intuition. I’ll always bring you back to trusting your inner knowing!

I look forward to bring you the next 3 instalments in this Chakra series, the Solar Plexus!

Much Love, Terésa xx

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