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SACRAL CHAKRA - Ways to connect and balance

Updated: Apr 14

In my last post - Sacral Chakra - Our Centre of Flow - I wrote about our 2nd physical chakra, what it governs & how an imbalanced Sacral affects us. Today, we look at how we can connect to & bring our Sacral chakra into balance.

A balanced Sacral will have us -

  • Experiencing a healthy body awareness

  • Experiencing a high level of self love/esteem

  • Expressing our individuality

  • Living creatively

  • Experiencing a healthy regard & relationship with our sexuality & its expression

  • Embracing joy

  • Accepting change, be able to ‘let go’, trust and go with the flow, be receptive

  • Sharing emotions freely & with ease, expressing feelings & desires

  • Be able to see different perspectives

  • Being nurturing, friendly, calm & kind

  • Feeling positive about life

  • Doing things for pleasure & enjoyment

  • Feeling passion

  • Being open to abundance

If you feel your Sacral is not aligned, and is blocked or not flowing in a balanced way, here are some ways to CONNECT TO & BALANCE your Sacral Chakra -

  • SELF LOVE/SELF CARE - Nurture your needs, show love to yourself, do something that brings you pleasure...whether that is having a nap or treating yourself to a massage, make the time for YOU. The key here is to not attach guilt to doing this! Easier said than done, I know! But remember, caring for yourself, your body, your energy, your soul, should never be last on the list. Also, activities like, journalling, writing a letter to your inner child, or mirror work (smile at yourself & compliment yourself! Affirm all the amazing things about YOU, inside & out)

  • MOVEMENT - Choose movement that flows, such as yoga, swimming, tai chi or dance. Or get your hips swaying with sensual movement...try belly dancing, salsa, burlesque or pole fitness.

  • CREATIVITY - Allow your creativity to flow, whatever form that takes - paint, write, act, sing, play music, take photos, dance, play around with your make up, create new ideas, construct something, cook, do math, or even a science experiment!

  • WATER - The Sacral is ruled by the element of Water. Immerse yourself or be near water...swim, walk by a lake or the ocean, drink more water or soak in the tub. Make it intentional - eg. Stand under the shower & visualise the water washing away your troubles, cleansing your energy. See beautiful orange Sacral energy flowing over you.

  • SOCIALISE - Connect with friends, family, coworkers or neighbours. Have a chat on the phone or go out for a meal. Get involved in your local community.

  • COUNSELLING - Seek professional help & work through issues regarding primary caregivers, particularly if you have lived with a narcissistic mother figure or dealing with other Mother wounds. Heal any trauma from sexual abuse. Address issues of unhealthy attachments & co-dependency. Work through any issues around hysterectomy, pregnancy/birth trauma, or infertility issues. Release shame, guilt, anger, fear & grief associated with any of these issues.

  • AFFIRMATIONS or Mantras help too. This is our 'I FEEL' chakra so affirmations beginning with that, such as 'I feel joyful, energetic & alive', or 'I feel connected to all of the abundance & radiant joy of the Universe', are perfect. Or you can try some of these-

'I embrace change & adapt with ease'

'I enjoy pleasure in all areas of my life'

'I allow my creativity to flow through me freely'

'My emotions flow freely & easily'

'I embrace, accept & celebrate my sexuality'

'I make space in my life for play & joy'

'I trust my intuition & make choices that align with my authentic self'

  • HOLISTIC THERAPY - As with all healing work, therapies, such as massage, healing, acupuncture, naturopathy, aromatherapy, colour therapy, and more, can help assist with gaining balance through your chakras. It's ok to reach out & seek support from others. Sometimes, practitioners can assist in a way you may not be able to achieve on your own, or direct you to the best type of therapy for you & your needs.

these are items with a frequency that resonates with this chakra - Colour, Essential Oils, Herbs, & Foods can all assist in bringing our energy into balance. Orange energy & colours will usually resonate with this chakra. Oils such as Sandalwood, Bergamot, Ylang Ylang or Clove are wonderful for this chakra. Find what works with your energy!

  • CRYSTALS! - Once again, crystals will get their own post! Stay tuned for my Top Picks for your Sacral Chakra & a comprehensive list of awesome crystals that assist our centre of emotion and what aspects they can help with. In the meantime, you can read my crystal posts for Base Chakra & Earth Star, or other crystal posts.

Much Love, Terésa xx

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