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In cultures all over the world, worship of ancestors has been a part of spiritual practice for thousands of years. Over time, and with the many changes in the world, we have forgotten our ancestors and, sadly, therefore, forgotten our roots.

Your ancestors are with you & always will be...they are your breath, your tears, your laughter, their blood runs through your veins, we have their DNA.

Do you know their names?

Their occupations?

Where they originated from?

How did they pass from this world?

Were they religious?

What were their traditions?

Were they involved in war?

On a practical level, reconnecting with your ancestors can be as easy as clicking a button on the computer!

We are blessed with genealogy websites, such as Ancestry and My Heritage, and they are a great way to trace your family tree & get to know your ancestors, & document it for future generations to connect with them.

Framing photos & scrapbooking any information or documents you find, can also be a wonderful way to preserve their memory & reconnect with their spirit.

On a spiritual level, dreamwork or meditation are a great way to connect with your ancestors...if you ask, they will come to you.

Invite them to be present in your rituals or when you create sacred space, talk to them, involve them in your spiritual practice...they are your family, they want to hear from you & support you.

If so inclined, set up a special space to honour them, with photos, heirlooms, candles, flowers, incense, whatever you feel guided to include. We have just celebrated Samhain, a beautiful time of the year to honour our ancestors and commune with them, while the veil is thin.

Be comforted, knowing they are with you. In times of stress, fear or instability, ask your ancestors for guidance & support, for wisdom & clarity...they have your back!

We often get caught up in the negative things passed down the generations - the 'bad' behaviours, habits, health issues...but there is so much wisdom, strength, talent and love passed through the line too.

Let's not forget that!

They walk alongside you...they are forever a part of you, and you of them, after all.

Blessings, Terésa xx

Follow @theradiantmystic on Facebook & Instagram

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