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SPIRIT GUIDES - Getting to know the Animal Spirits that walk beside us.

Updated: Apr 10

The Animal Guides are out in force at the moment! Most of the readings I did at Mornington Mind & Magick Market on the weekend, had me bringing forward Animal Guides or talking about connecting with them! Plus, it seems fitting to add in a post about these beautiful Guides, after my posts on our Earth Star & connecting with Earth energy.

The human/animal connection is eternal. We are a part of the natural world and we have a special affinity with animals, in some way, shape or form (and if we don’t, it shows a real disconnect with an innate part of ourselves!).


Is it any wonder that spirit comes to us in spirit form too? Be they of the air, earth or sea…of the world we know or even mythical in nature, our animal guides are always there, our support when needed, in whatever form that takes.

Your Guides often show up during transitions in your life, offering wisdom & guidance on your

journey, however, we also have more permanent ones by our sides supporting us through life.

There are many different beliefs around our Guides, in general, not just our Animal Guides. Like with anything, different spiritual or religious paths, cultures or tribes will have different ideas. Even our personal experiences can create differing beliefs. These titles & meanings are often mixed or woven in with each other, or even dismissed as irrelevant or innappropriate, depending on origin, events, and the passing of time.

Here are some forms Animal Spirit can take, most of these stem from Native American spirituality or shamanic practices - as always, trust your intuition, be guided by your heart -

  • Spirit Animals - Some believe we have one, some say we have more. Some believe your personality mirrors the characteristics of that animal. And others believe you are two halves of one soul. It is generally thought that your Spirit Animal is with you from birth to death, your guardian on this earthly journey. There are others who see this term as a generic term for animal guides.

  • Totems - I don't know alot about Totems but the more I read the more interested I am! It is said that there are 9, one for each of the seven directions (north, south, east, west, above, below, within) and the other two to walk either side of us through life. Each with a specific purpose. One being at the top of the ‘totem pole’ believed to be our main guardian spirit.

  • Power Animals - Here is the group I am familiar with! I work with Power Animals alot. Some for a long time, others only a short time. These are Animal Guides that can be called upon or that show up for you for something specific on your journey. This is a blending of energy, support for you at certain times, for example, borrowing a trait like courage from Lion or Tiger Spirit during a difficult time or when you're feeling vulnerable or having a gentle, nurturing Doe show up during an Inner Child healing meditation journey, etc.

  • Messengers - Guides who quite literally deliver a message from spirit. Often these are the domain of Bird Spirits, but not always.

  • Familiars - There is a lot of debate with this but I thought I’d still include it. Mainly a term used for a witch’s beloved pet. A deep magickal connection is created with this animal. Believed that this animal is walking the earthly path with them for a reason or purpose.

There are probably more out there, for example, sometimes your dearly beloved pets in spirit will step forward to support you, but these are the ones I was guided to include in my post!

Our Animal Guides teach us about a part of our psyche, aligning with our spirit and who we are, showing us the energy we need in our lives or what needs to be focused on in our journey. They may assist with healing, shadow work, developing your gifts, bringing awareness to different areas of your life or your energy, they may act as support, as messengers, as teachers... the list is endless!

You may already receive signs from your animal guides -

  • A visit in a dream or meditation

  • Repetitive sightings - perhaps in its natural environment, on tv or a tshirt, oracle cards, or maybe your child leaves a toy version in front of you.

  • A significant, or unusual, sighting of a wild creature that crosses your path unexpectedly.

  • Feathers, fur, bones, or other 'gifts' on your path.

  • Animals getting inside, or hanging around your home. Eg. Birds flying into windows or doors.

  • A message or connection through a psychic reading or healing session!

Interpreting these messages may be simple & obvious, at other times they may need a little more soul searching...

  • Try taking a few deep breaths and asking the animal for its message. Open your extra senses to receive it.

  • Research the animal! How and where it lives. It's characteristics, etc. There may be something that resonates.

  • Meditate & visit with this animal. Or ask them to visit in your dream state. Then ask for the message.

I have had many interactions with Animal Guides through my life (some are making an appearance in the this post!), through meditation, in the natural world, dreams, all the way back to my first memory of the spirit world, when I saw a lion sleeping by my bed during a traumatic time in my childhood.

They have all offered support, strength and messages ranging from ‘you’re on the right track’ to warnings about setting boundaries. Like with all spirit guides, they guide me through emotional times, of grief & healing, through times of decision making, times I’ve needed reminding to lighten up & have fun, and through times I've needed to feel safe, but whatever the message, they always remind me that Spirit has my back.

Animal Medicine, or Animal Wisdom, is not a new concept, it is an ancient way, ingrained deeply in indigenous cultures and the old ways. It is beautiful, loving, insightful and can be subtle nudges or powerful & emotional interactions, but however they choose to come to you, from the mighty lion to the teeny bug, if they are on your path, if they show themselves to you in any way that resonates, they may be trying to communicate with you and pass on their wisdom... we just need to listen!

Blessings, Terésa xx

If you are interested in connecting to your Guides, book a Reading with Terésa, click below -

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