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The Wheel Of The Year - Imbolc

Updated: Jul 15

Southern Hemisphere - August 1st

Northern Hemisphere - February 1st -2nd

The Wheel of the Year turns once again...

And we head towards Imbolc, here in the Southern Hemisphere.

Also known as Candlemas or Brigid’s Day, this cross-quarter sabbat is a time of transition & change, cleansing & purification. Imbolc is a time to shake off the effects of Winter, cleansing & purifying, so we have room for the new life manifesting.

Imbolc was traditionally a Celtic fire festival deicated to the Goddess Brigid, it celebrates the midpoint between Yule (Winter Solstice) & Ostara (Spring Equinox) and welcomes the longer days, the first signs of Spring & the returning Sun! I’m hearing The Beatles song ‘Here Comes the Sun’ playing in my head as I write!

So after months of turning inward, of hibernation & rest, life is beginning to stir again. Nature begins to wake & bloom again!

It is a wonderful time to ‘spring clean’ not only our homes, but ourselves, our energy - release stagnant energy & light the fires of creativity & inspiration! Get your home, & heart & mind, ready for a time of growth & fertility. All those seeds you sowed through Winter, the ideas & dreams you’ve been sitting on & keeping warm…it’s now time for them to push up through the dirt & into the world. It’s time for us to return from the depths of our ‘hibernation’, our journey to the inner worlds, and stretch & turn our faces to the Sun.

Celebrate by decorating your sacred space with-

  • reds, greens, white, yellow & gold

  • candles, grain dollies, sun wheels, besoms, Brigid’s cross, Rowan berries

  • white flowers, Daffodil, Iris, Jasmine & Lavender flowers or similar flowers/plants found in our Hemisphere, try wattle or a beautiful red native flower.

  • Animals - ewes, lambs, bear, deer, burrowing animals, robins, swans

  • Fiery crystals, cleansing crystals, crystals for transformation, abundance or creativity

Rituals and activities for this time include -

  • Spring clean your home or sacred space

  • Have a bonfire

  • Go for a walk & note signs of Spring returning

  • Cleansing/Purifying - home, you, your sacred tools.

  • Plan your garden, plant some seeds

  • Honour Brigid, Goddess of creativity Honour Brigid, Aphrodite, Eros, Hestia, Goddess in her Maiden aspect.

  • Weave a Brigid’s Cross

  • Make candles

  • Candle Rituals

  • Host a candle lit dinner

  • Meditate, Journal

  • Make a loose incense using Bay, Basil, Frankincense, Rosemary, Cinnamon & Jasmine.

  • Use Cinnamon in your cooking or spells. Cinnamon brings the fiery element of the Sun, bringing success, prosperity, protection & love.

Suggested Spell work for Imbolc -

  • Fertility

  • Abundance & Prosperity

  • Protection for home & pets

  • Garden

  • Creativity

  • Cleansing, Purification

  • Rebirth, Transformation

  • Fire Scrying

I always like to do a card reading at each turn of The Wheel. Sometimes I create my own, based on the main focus around each celebration. Try this simple card spread -

  1. SEEDS TO SOW - What area of my life needs growth?

  2. SPRING CLEAN - What do I need to clear to make way for the new?

  3. REBIRTH - What needs to be reawakened within me?

  4. LIGHT - What needs to be illuminated right now?

Wishing you all blessings for this upcoming celebration! Happy Imbolc!

xx Terésa

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