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The Wheel Of The Year - Ostara - Spring Equinox

Southern Hemisphere - September 20th-23rd

Northern Hemisphere - March 19th-21st

At the Equinoxes, we find day & night are equally long, the perfect balance of light & dark. Representing the dualities of Nature - Masculine/Feminine, above/below, yin/yang, etc.

From Spring Equinox until Mabon (Autumn Equinox), there will be more light than darkness. As the world grows brighter, the earth awakens & there is the promise of hope & new life.

This Equinox celebrates the return of the Sun, and Ostara, named for the Germanic goddess, Eostre , is one of four solar festivals in The Wheel of the Year.

At this time, nature wakes from its winter hibernation & the first signs of budding flowers & green shoots appear. It is a time of balance, new life & new beginnings.

Traditionally, this Solstice was a time for decorating eggs, hunting, & feasts, a time to plan & plant new crops. It was a time of joy, honouring the Spring & Earth goddesses. Today, it is a time for 'planting seeds', both physically & spiritually, checking in with ourselves to see where & how we can grow & thrive and focusing on our light!


  • Yellow, sky blue, pink, green, silver, white, lavender.

  • Moss Agate, Tree Agate, Aquamarine, Rose Quartz, Jade, Aventurine, Bloodstone.

  • Eggs, Flowers especially Bulb flowers such as Tulips, Daffodils etc, Seeds, Baskets,

  • Butterflies, Rabbits, Hares, Lambs, Chicks, Bees.

  • Apple or Orange tree, Daisy, Jasmine, Flowers especially Bulb flowers such as Tulips, Daffodils etc, Violets, Lemongrass, High Johns Root, Sandalwood.


  • Setting goals & intentions, journal work.

  • Spring cleaning & blessing of the home

  • Decorating or dying eggs or weaving a flower crown

  • Planting bulbs or flowers, planting seeds, planning your garden

  • Spend time in Nature

  • Learn the pagan origins behind the symbols of eggs, rabbits, etc used in the Christian Easter celebrations - read about the goddess Eostre & the Hare.

  • Rituals for abundance, new beginnings, birth/rebirth, manifestation, balance

  • Honour gods & goddesses of Spring, Earth & Fertility, as well as the goddess in her Maiden aspect - Eostre, Gaia, Venus, Aphrodite, Persephone, Freya, The Green Man, Osiris, Pan, Odin, Adonis.

Sending blessings & love on Ostara! May you find joy & abundance in all you do!

xx Terésa

If you are looking for clarity around new beginnings, finding balance or growth, book a Psychic Reading with Terésa -

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