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The Wheel Of The Year - Samhain

April 30th/May 1st- Southern Hemisphere

October 31st/November 1st - Northern Hemisphere

The commercial version of this celebration has always been a favourite of mine but it never truly felt right being celebrated in Spring here in Australia. And so when I learnt it’s true form & meaning, I was all for celebrating it in the traditional way. Yes! This is Halloween! When the Southern Hemisphere is actually meant to celebrate it…in Autumn!

Pronounced ‘Sow-wen’ or ‘Sah-win’, Samhain (meaning Summer’s End) is the third harvest celebration on the Wheel of the Year and, in Celtic traditions, the start of the year. The Witches New Year!

Nights grow longer, plants and trees are dying back and so we celebrate death and the darkness. It is a time where the veil between worlds is at its thinnest and is a powerful time to honour our beloved dead, remember our ancestors, for spirit work & divination.

Turning into the dark side of the Wheel, take time to acknowledge the importance of death in the life cycle. Take time for reflection, for releasing & letting go of bad habits and make space for new growth - what do your shadows want to show you? What parts of you need to ‘die’ in order for you to grow & evolve?

Celebrate by decorating your sacred space with -

  • Oranges, blacks, browns, gold & reds

  • Broomsticks, carved pumpkins, pomegranates, cauldrons, skulls, black candles, ancestor photos, oak leaves, acorns

  • Crystals such as Bloodstone, Obsidian, Jet, Onyx, Smokey Quartz

  • Animals - Black Cats, Owls, Spiders, Ravens, Bats

  • Flowers such as Chrysanthemums, Marigolds, Calendula, Sunflowers, Heather.

Rituals & activities for this time include -

  • Carving pumpkins

  • Creating an ancestor altar with photos & momentos

  • Recreating family recipes, setting a place at your table for your family members in spirit and share stories about their lives

  • Make a broom

  • Deep healing & nurturing self-care

  • Honour Goddesses in Crone phase, also Hekate, Cerridwen, Kali, Persephone, Durga, Morrigan. Honour the Gods Odin, Anubis, Loki, Cernunnos and The Horned God.

  • Make loose incense with Frankincense and herbs such as Mugwort, Rosemary, Sage, Yarrow & Wormwood

  • Mediumship, connecting to the spirit world.

Suggested spell work for Samhain -

  • Past life work

  • Divination

  • Protection & release spells

  • Honouring the dead

  • Gratitude

  • Intention setting

  • Clarity, decisions when at crossroads

  • Shadow work

I love to do a card reading at each turn of the Wheel. Sometimes creating my own, sometimes looking for other’s card layouts. Here is one I like…


1. SHADOW - What aspect of my Shadow needs to be focused on?

2. PROTECTION - Where am I needing protection?

3. DEATH - What needs to be let go of?

4. NURTURE - What ‘seeds’ need nurturing through Winter?

5. CELEBRATE - What can I focus on to bring light in the dark?

6. VEIL - Message from my Ancestors

Many Blessings to you on Samhain! I hope it’s a beautiful & meaningful celebration for you.

xx Terésa

Follow on @theradiantmystic on Instagram & Facebook

If you are interested in a reading with Terésa, click below -

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