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THE WHEEL OF THE YEAR - Yule - Winter Solstice

Southern Hemisphere- June 20th-23rd

Northern Hemisphere - December 20th- 23rd

As we approach the shortest day of the year, The Wheel turns to Yule, or Winter Solstice. This is a time to honour midwinter & the return of the light after the longest night.

Nature shows us that every cycle must return to stillness, to center, the dark… what was out, must turn in…from death, comes new life, from the darkest night, a new dawn shines.

Traditionally, this Solstice was a time of gathering with loved ones to share the stores of the previous harvest and make preparations for the long, cold months ahead.

It's a celebration of rebirth & new beginnings. A time for introspection & celebration of endurance, and the power of hope.

Celebrate by decorating your space with -

  • Red, green, midnight blue, white & silver

  • Bells, candles, Sun symbols, wreaths,

  • Deer, Stags, Robins, Wren, Sow, Bear, Raven

  • Pine cones, Mistletoe, Pionsettias, Holly, evergreens, Ivy, Rosemary, Cinnamon sticks.

  • Ruby, Bloodstone, Garnet, Clear Quartz, Emerald, Moss Agate

Rituals & Activities for this time include -

  • Light a fire, add a Yule log (oak or pine), & burn a list of all you want to let go of.

  • Bless your home and sacred space

  • Make a wreath with

  • Honour horned gods & goddesses, such as Cernunnos, and deities of the Sun, the forest & the hunt.

  • Christian Christmas traditions of gathering with friends & family, decorating trees, singing, & sharing gifts all come from old Yule celebrations.

  • Bake some Winter goodies! Use ginger, orange, nutmeg or cinnamon to bring abundance & blessings.

  • Make mulled wine or spiced apple cider and drink to good health.

  • Make a loose incense from myrrh, cinnamon, pine, clove & mint. Or a frankincense, cedar, juniper, sweet orange oil blend.

Suggested Spellwork for Yule -

  •  It is a time for rituals for protection, cleansing, rebirth, family & the home.

  • Reflect on balance in your life, embracing your inner light, going within for deep healing & self-reflection

  • Allow yourself a period of 'hibernation' for soul restoration & nurturing.

  • Below is a Yule Tarot/Oracle Layout that I like to do for myself...


  1. In what area do I need rest & self-care?

  2. What can I learn from my shadow self right now?

  3. What needs to be brought to light for my growth?

  4. What seeds need to be planted?

  5. Celebrating my inner light - blessings, gifts & the spark within waiting to shine.

  6. Stepping into my new cycle - potential new beginnings, what's being sown.

Stay cozy! Many blessings this Winter Solstice! xx Terésa

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