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THYMUS CHAKRA - The Higher Heart

Not as well known as others, the Thymus chakra is considered a minor chakra, a smaller energy centre than the ones we have been discussing, but no less important. There are many minor chakras on the body, however, I am just covering those I work with during my healing sessions. This is also 2 posts in 1, I have included ways to balance your Thymus chakra at the end, instead of making a seperate post.

Our Thymus chakra is positioned midway between the heart & throat chakras &, as with the Earth Star chakra, the jury seems to be out on its colour, some say Light Turquoise or Aquamarine, some say Peach, Teal or even White. I recommend tuning in to yours through the meditation at the end of this post and finding out your Higher Heart colour yourself.

Researching this chakra has been really interesting! The science behind our Thymus gland is fascinating and I highly recommend researching it, however, my work is with energy, and so it is the energetic Thymus I will write about.

Our Thymus chakra, also known as the Ascended Heart chakra, the Unified Heart or Higher Heart chakra, is believed to be the ‘seat of the soul’.

It is our ‘I ACCEPT’ chakra, from where our compassion, acceptance, inner peace, empathy, and unconditional love stems from.

This the chakra of connection, alignment & attunement to all that is spiritual. It helps you create a connection between your physical body & your soul body.

This is where our desire to heal is generated, where selfless, unconditional love and compassion is awakened. Free of ego, unconditional love facilitates spiritual growth & deep inner transformation.

As this chakras opens & becomes balanced, higher spiritual levels of awareness are accessed and the processing of higher vibrational energies is supported. There is a strong link to the divine.

The Higher Heart chakra also acts as as a bridge between the Throat & Heart chakras, allowing you to vocalise the emotions generated in the Heart. It is said to also act as a library, recording trauma & pain from negative events in the life of the person & their ancestry.

The lesson of the Higher Heart chakra is learning when to show compassion & give aid and when to accept the situation as it is & move on. You can’t save the world, nor should you take on another’s suffering, or enable destructive behaviour.

Here is the quick meditation I mentioned above, to connect in with the colour of your Higher Heart chakra -


You may like to place crystals on your chest, if you are lying down or hold one over the area if you are seated.

- Close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Take some deep belly breaths, exhaling through your mouth.

- Bring your focus to your Thymus Chakra, just above your heart area. You may wish to place your hands on this area. Focus on the energy flowing there.

- Ask, what colour is your Higher Heart? Trust what comes.

-Ask if this is the true & aligned colour of your Thymus Chakra? Trust your intuition to know whether this is the correct colour, or whether you need to spend more time allowing cleansing & activating to clear the negative energy, or to 'wake it up'.

- Imagine the area filling with beautiful, vibrant white light energy, cleansing & activating the chakra. Sometimes it helps to see this energy as a flower opening & blooming. Keep working on clearing and aligning until you feel the colour is true to your Higher Heart.

-Allow yourself some time to tune in to the energy. You may receive messages regarding healing, ancestors or Guides may make themselves known, when working with this chakra.

- Bring awareness back to your breath & your body. Open your eyes. Enjoy feeling grounded & connected to Mother Earth!


When our Thymus chakra is out of balance, either underactive or overactive, it can show in the following ways -

  • Inability to express emotions

  • fear of spirituality

  • lack of/too much compassion

  • overly empathetic

  • mistrustful of others & self

  • feeling bitter or betrayed

  • matyrdom

  • victimisation

  • inability to accept situations &/or people

  • lack of self-acceptance

  • accepting unacceptable behaviour

  • self-centredness

  • susceptible to the flu (our thymus governs the immune system).

Let’s look at a few ways that we can bring this chakra back into balance, back to its compassionate, unconditionally loving state.

ENERGY HEALING & the GIFT of LOVE - This can be as simple as comforting a friend in pain, through to a more structured energy healing session if you are a healer, the act of giving love, with compassion & without condition, is the ultimate activator of this chakra. A hand on someone’s shoulder, self-healing or following the path of a healing modality to help others are all powerful ways to give love unconditionally. Energy healing can be focused on specific chakras & areas of the body, directing life force energy into the body in order to dissolve blockage & remove energetic cords. In a Sekhem Healing, the Thymus is one of the last areas of focus, before winding down a session.

SOUND HEALING or Music Therapy - The Thymus gland reacts well to sound and acoustic vibrations. Both listening to and making music are very therapeutic to our emotional state. So sing to, listen to, dance to, or make music to clear & activate this chakra.


Qi Gong, Yoga, or Tai Chi, stimulate energy flow & can be focused on specific chakras.

CRYSTALS - There’s obviously a cross-over from the Heart Chakra with this chakra, so many Heart chakra crystals can be used, but the main Thymus Chakra stones are Emerald, Aquamarine, Amazonite & Aqua Aura Quartz. However, any crystals assisting with compassion, unconditional love, ascendance or any of the Thymus chakra qualities will be useful.

Stay tuned as we travel up to the Throat Chakra next!

Blessings, Terésa xx

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