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Welcome to The Radiant Mystic's Blog!

Updated: Apr 10

Here we go! My first blog post!

The beginning of a new adventure for The Radiant Mystic.

I love learning all things spiritual, love writing, and passing on the wisdom I've gained to others who can benefit from it...and it appears I'm too wordy for Instagram, so here we are!

And, YES, it is ME (an actual person!) writing this, not an app, not a bot - sad that I have to add that, but that's where we're at.

Hi! I'm Terésa! I am an energy worker, psychic medium & empath and have studied & worked with many aspects of healing, spirituality, magick, psychic development & connecting to the spirit world.

I started my spiritual journey in my late teens after a traumatic childhood had me searching for something to ease my soul.

After years being involved in a church, going to counselling, and just trying to have a 'normal' life at a time when my life was anything but normal, I began searching elsewhere, knowing that none of it felt right for me & I needed more. The journey has been a long one, but that shift in belief, connection to the spirit world & the discovery of energetic healing saved my life & has been my light when times get dark.

Since then I have delved into many aspects of healing & spirituality, and began The Radiant Mystic so I could empower others on their journeys.

This blog will be a compilation of what I've learned over the years, knowledge & practical exercises that have worked for me on my healing journey, wisdom that has helped me through dark times, & my experience with Spirit.

Sometimes it will be educational, sometimes unconventional, sometimes personal journey, sometimes mystical woo-woo. Take what you will from it, leave what doesn't resonate. Spiritual & healing paths are individual. Find what works for you.

This blog is for YOU... the spiritually curious, the spiritually evolving, those open to the unseen, those healing and those who want to reconnect with their radiant spirit!

There is already a long list of subjects! Crystals - of course!, Energy, Healing, Spirit, Plant & Candle Magick, Chakras, Guides, Meditation, Past Lives, Psychic Senses & Mediumship to name a few...

I want this to be a communal experience so if you have a subject you'd like to know more about or a question about my services, feel free to send it via The Radiant Mystic website Contact Form .

Next post, I will be beginning a series on the Chakras, your body's energy centres.

Looking at what it the energy centre does, imbalances, practical ways to bring it into balance, crystal & oil correspondences and more...

First up will be the Earth Star Chakra.

May your day be filled with love & blessings, xx Terésa

Stay tuned on socials @theradiantmystic on Facebook & Instagram for updates on blog posts, workshops, giveaways & more.

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